O, ye of many kinds, and heirs of Abraham,
Whose destinies are in the hand of Almighty,
Here is a hymn for those who thirst and hunger;
Farewell to life's wild hunt and wander;
They to their land and to the stars, they only to be:
No recompense shall there be waiting for the desolate.
Where the East wind has wandered over sea and earth,
By fire and flood the seeds of all that livest, been scattered:
When that grand council of life in which we share,
And in which we have a part, shall be ended,
When the Great Unknown shall have its way,
Then we shall know that we are dust.
And when the great ones, whose hearts are pure,
Shall be gathered to the eternal mansion,
Then our days of trial and temptation,
Our faith and our love, shall be over.
The great and the small, the wise and the fool,
In heaven all equal now shall stand.
Be brave! It is God's way, be sure; And the Angels call thee, they seek thee: The fields are wide, take heart; so for a season, Restless among your kin! When that life-land's face has wept o'er its floods of rain; when peace returns once more; when with everlasting sunshine it glows.
Then in heaven we shall meet again.