* 走自己的路,讓人們說去吧。Go my own way, let people say what they like. * 失敗為成功之母。Failure is the mother of success.
* 勇往直前,成功就在前方。Pursue your goals bravely and success will be ahead of you.
* 誠信做事,誠心待人。Do things honestly and deal with people sincerely.
* 無所畏懼,勇攀高峰。Have no fear and climb to the top.
* 志存高遠,腳踏實地。Believe in your goals and work hard to achieve them.
* 敢於挑戰,永不言敗。Dare to challenge and never give up.
* 人生苦短,及時行樂。Life is short, let's enjoy it while we can.
* 永不放棄,堅持到底。Never give up and persist to the end.
* 知足常樂,自得其樂。Be content with what you have and enjoy your own happiness.