

* 人生就像騎腳踏車,要保持平衡就得向前走。 Life is like riding a bicycle, to maintain balance you have to move forward.

* 人生有兩齣悲劇。一是萬念俱灰,另一是躊躇滿志。 There are two tragedies in life. One is to have no aspirations, and the other is to have all of them.

* 人生不在於活得長短,而在於覺悟早晚;生命不要用來修正別人的錯誤,而要用來實現自己的夢想;善待自己,幸福無比;善待別人,快樂無比;善待生命,健康無比。 Life is not about how long you live, but about when and what you discover; Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain; Treat yourself kindly and life will do the rest. Treat others with kindness, and they will do the same. Treat life with kindness, and it will lead to good health.

* 人生是個圓,有的人走了一輩子也沒有走出命運畫出的圓圈,其實,圓上的每一個點都有一條騰飛的切線。 Life is a circle. Some people have walked around the circle of fate all their lives without leaving the mark of a jump in life. In fact, every point on the circle has a cutting line that can take you up.

* 人生一世,無非是盡心,對自己盡心,對所愛的人盡心,對生活的這塊土地盡心。 In this world, the essence of life is to do one's best. Do your best for yourself, for the one you love, and for the land of life.
