1. 唯有惶者才能生存,唯有惶者才能進步。
Only those who are anxious to survive and progress can do so.
2. 均衡發展就是抓短的一塊,長板更長,短板上不去,就要均衡發展。
Balanced development is to focus on the weak area, so that the long board is longer, and if the weakness cannot be raised, then balanced development must be pursued.
3. 世界上沒有完美的文章,也沒有無懈可擊的方案,只有鍥而不捨的追隨。
There is no perfect article in the world, nor is there an invulnerable plan. Only persevering pursuit can achieve it.
4. 在沒有現實檢驗的情況下,不冒進,不冒進的意思是必須有基礎理論和理論基礎。
Without practical testing, do not be impetuous. The meaning of not rushing is that there must be basic theoretical and practical foundations.
5. 在你沒有能力攀越高山時,為什麼不繞道而行呢?從山下流過的河流,不是一樣可以欣賞到美麗的風景嗎?
When you don't have the ability to climb a mountain, why not take a detour? Can't you enjoy the beautiful scenery from the river that flows by the foot of the mountain?