

The Lion and the Mouse

Once upon a time, there was a lion who was very powerful and fierce. He was the king of the forest and everyone was afraid of him. One day, a mouse dared to come near the lion and asked for help. The mouse was being chased by a snake and was afraid of being caught.

The lion laughed at the mouse, saying that he was too small to be of any help. But the mouse pleaded with the lion, saying that he would be forever grateful if he could get him out of the situation. Finally, the lion agreed to help the mouse, but he warned that he might not be able to protect him if the snake was very strong.

As the mouse expected, the snake was very powerful and was a challenge for the lion to defeat. However, he managed to grab the snake with his mouth and toss it away. Afterwards, the mouse thanked the lion profusely and said that he would always be his friend.

From this story, we can learn that even though one may seem insignificant in comparison to others, they can still be of great help when needed. Furthermore, we should not judge a person or creature by their appearance, but rather by their character and actions.

