

1. The Lion and the Mouse: A Lion was lying down, just dozing. A little Mouse crossed his path. "Aha!" said the Lion, "so you are the little fellow that runs away every time you see me. I'll show you how to take a better decision." He caught the mouse and was about to swallow it when the mouse said, "If you let me go, I will make a difference in your life. I can help you out of your slumber." The Lion woke up and released the mouse. From then on, the mouse helped the Lion to get rid of his sleepy mood and they became good friends.

2. The Boy Who Cried Wolf: A boy went to call on his godfather and got lost on the way. He rang the godfather's doorbell and cried out, "Save me, save me!" The neighbors thought that the boy had already been lost several times before and did not believe his cries for help. They ignored his cries and went about their business. The boy, unable to attract anyone's attention, eventually found his way home.

