1. 一切皆為法,法無定法,後者亦法。
"All is law, law without fixed form, latter also law."
2. 無我相,無眾生相,無人相。
"Without self-image, without眾生 image, without human image."
3. 忍辱無量阿僧祇。
"Endurance has no limit, infinite in quantity."
4. 苦海無邊,回頭是岸。
"The sea of suffering is endless, turn back and reach the shore."
5. 菩提心為本,方便善巧為助。
"The aspiration for the path of enlightenment is the foundation, skillful means and perfections are auxiliary."
6. 一切眾生,皆有佛性。
"All sentient beings have the Buddha nature."
7. 知足之人心常富。
"Those who are content always have plenty."
8. 苦海中拼搏,心即是岸。
"Struggling in the sea of suffering, the heart is the shore."
9. 身如菩提樹,心如明鏡台,時時勤拂拭,不使惹塵埃。
"Body is like a Bodhi tree, mind like a mirror stand, constantly brush them clean to prevent dust from accumulating."