| 主題/Main Idea | 內容/Content | 描寫/Description | 描寫手法/Description Techniques | 修辭/Rhetorical Devices |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 標題/Title | 「我的家鄉」/「My hometown」 | 家鄉的地理位置/Location of hometown, 自然環境/Natural environment, 人文環境/Human environment | 視覺描寫/Visual description, 聽覺描寫/Auditory description, 嗅覺描寫/Smell description | 比喻/Simile, 擬人/Personification |
| 開頭段/Introduction | 家鄉位於XX省XX市,靠近XX山和XX河。/My hometown is located in the city of XX in the province of XX, close to the mountains of XX and the river of XX. | 直接描述/Direct description | 數字/Quantifier, 排比/Parallelism | 對比/Contrast, 引出主題/Introduction of topic |
| 正文段一/Body Paragraph 1 | 家鄉四季分明,春季鮮花盛開,夏季綠樹成蔭,秋季果實纍纍,冬季白雪皚皚。/Our hometown has four distinct seasons, with flowers blooming in the spring, trees growing green in the summer, fruits ripening in the autumn, and snow covering the ground in the winter. | 視覺描寫/Visual description, 時間順序/Sequence of time | 擬人/Personification, 明喻/Simile | 對比/Contrast, 排比/Parallelism |
| 正文段二/Body Paragraph 2 | 小時候,我和小夥伴們在河邊玩耍,抓小魚,撿貝殼。/When I was young, I and my friends played by the river, catching small fish and picking up shells. | 聽覺描寫/Auditory description, 視覺描寫/Visual description | 擬人/Personification, 明喻/Simile, 引用/Quotation | |