

* 人生不在於活得長短,而在於覺悟早晚;生命的美,不在其多麼轟轟烈烈,而在其有些平和的安靜。Life is not about how long it lasts, but about the early or lateawakening; the beauty of life is not in how spectacular it is, but rather in its calm quietness.*

* 做一個溫暖的人,將每一個黎明當作新的開始,將每一個黃昏當作生命的饋贈。Be a warm person, and treat each dawn as a new beginning, and each evening as a gift of life.*

* 一切問題都是時間問題,一切煩惱都是自尋煩惱。All problems are problems of time, and all troubles are troubles of seeking.*

* 每個人都在奮鬥,都在嘗試,在奮鬥中尋找自己想要的生活,不斷追求。Everyone is working hard, trying, searching for their own life they want to live, pursuing continuously.*

* 心若改變,態度就改變;態度改變,習慣就改變;習慣改變,人生就會改變。If your heart changes, so will your attitude; if your attitude changes, so will your habits; and if your habits change, your life will change too.*

