* 樂觀使人看得見希望與光明,悲觀的人只看見絕望。Optimism will help you see the hope and light, while pessimism will only lead you to despair.
* 樂觀是希望的明燈,它指引我們走向成功。Optimism is the beacon of hope, which guides us to success.
* 樂觀本身就是一種成功。Optimism is success itself.
* 樂觀的人在憂患中也能看到機會,而悲觀的人則在機會中看到了憂患。An optimistic person sees opportunities in adversity, while a pessimist sees adversity in opportunities.
* 即使處境危難,也要尋找積極因素。這樣,你就不會放棄取得微小勝利的努力。If you look at the bright side of things, you won't give up easily even if you are in difficult circumstances.
* 保持樂觀的心態是最好的辦法之一。Keeping a positive mindset is one of the best ways to approach things.
* 一個人,當他開始樂觀時,他就已經向成功邁出了第一步。The moment a person becomes optimistic, he has taken his first step towards success.