

1. "立志是事業的大門,工作是登堂入室的階梯。" - 中文

"Set your mind on your goal, for it is the door to success. Work is the ladder to success." - 英文

2. "時間就是金錢,效率就是生命。" - 中文

"Time is money, efficiency is life." - 英文

3. "我們不會嘲笑那些敢於做夢的人,只會嘲笑那些醒來時還不肯面對自己丑惡現實的人。" - 中文

"We won't laugh at those who dare to dream, we'll only laugh at those who refuse to face their ugly reality when they wake up." - 英文

4. "不要怕失敗,因為每一次失敗都會使我們更接近成功。" - 中文

"Don't be afraid of failure, for every failure brings us closer to success." - 英文

5. "人生自古誰無死,留取丹心照汗青。" - 中文

"Which of us is destined to die young? Let our pure hearts illuminate history." - 英文

6. "一個人的價值,應該看他貢獻什麼,而不應當看他取得什麼。" - 中文

"The value of a person should be measured by what he contributes, not by what he gains." - 英文

7. "困難和挫折是人生的催化劑,它們能夠催人奮進、奮發向上,最終取得更好的成績。" - 中文

"Difficulties and setbacks are the catalyst for personal growth, they encourage one to strive and push forward, ultimately achieving better results." - 英文

8. "路漫漫其修遠兮,吾將上下而求索。" - 中文

"The road ahead is long and arduous, but I will continue to search and explore." - 英文

9. "天行健,君子以自強不息;地勢坤,君子以厚德載物。" - 中文

"The heavens move steadily, so a noble person should persevere in self-improvement. The earth's terrain changes constantly, so a noble person should have great virtue to bear vast things." - 英文

