

Once upon a time, there was a young couple who loved each other very much. They lived in a small village and were very happy together. One day, the young woman found out that she was pregnant. She was very excited and her boyfriend was over the moon.

The day came when the young woman gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. They named her Lantern, because it was the time of the year when lanterns were released into the sky to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival.

As Lantern grew up, she loved to play with the colorful lanterns. But on Lantern's sixth birthday, she got very sick and her parents were very worried. They took her to see a wise old man who told them that Lantern needed to eat a special kind of medicine made from a special kind of flower that bloomed only at night.

The young couple went out into the dark night to find this special flower. They searched and searched, but it was difficult to find because it was blooming only in a dark and remote part of the forest. After a long and hard search, they finally found the flower and returned to the young woman's side.

With the medicine, Lantern recovered quickly and was soon well again. She loved to play with her parents in the small garden behind their house, where they would release lanterns at night to celebrate her recovery.

Every year on Lantern's Day, her parents would tell her this story and they would release lanterns into the sky to remember their love for each other and for their daughter.

