

1. 元宵節快樂,願你身體健康,萬事如意!

Happy Lantern Festival! Wishing you good health and everything going well!

2. 元宵節來臨,祝你幸福美滿,家庭和睦,事業有成!

Happy Lantern Festival! Wishing you happiness, harmony in your family, and success in your career!

3. 元宵節快樂,願你生活甜美,笑口常開!

Happy Lantern Festival! Wishing you a life full of sweetness and a smile on your face!

4. 元宵節到,祝你笑口常開,好運連連!

Happy Lantern Festival! Wishing you a smile on your face and good luck all the way!

5. 元宵節快樂,祝福你家庭幸福,萬事勝意!

Happy Lantern Festival! Wishing you a happy family and everything going your way!
