以下是一個英文兒童故事,題目是「The Little Red Hen」:
Once upon a time, there was a little red hen who lived alone in a big field. She was very lonely and wanted a friend to play with. One day, she decided to plant some seeds in the field and hoped that they would grow into a big garden of fruits and vegetables.
As she worked hard planting the seeds, she heard a voice behind her say, 「Hello, what are you doing?」 She turned around and saw a little bunny hopping towards her. The little bunny was very curious and wanted to help the little red hen plant the seeds.
The little bunny helped the little red hen plant the seeds and water them every day. After a few days, the seeds started to grow and produce fruits and vegetables. The little bunny and the little red hen harvested the fruits and vegetables together and shared them with each other.
As they harvested, they found that they had become good friends. They decided to share their life together and started playing games, having picnics and exploring the field.
One day, the little bunny said to the little red hen, 「I have a confession to make. I am very hungry and I have never had anything to eat before.」 The little red hen smiled and said, 「That』s okay. I can feed you. You are family now.」 She brought out a big bowl of her favorite apples and shared them with her new friend.
This story teaches children about friendship, hard work, and generosity. It also teaches them that everyone is unique and has something to offer each other.