

故事標題:The Adventures of Little Bear


One day, Little Bear was walking in the forest when he suddenly fell into a deep hole. He called out for help, but no one could hear him. He began to cry and struggled to climb out of the hole, but he couldn't reach the ground.

Just then, a little squirrel came by and saw Little Bear crying. The squirrel asked Little Bear what was wrong and he told him about the hole. The squirrel thought for a moment and then said, "Don't worry, Little Bear. I'll help you."

The squirrel climbed up a tree and Little Bear could see it swaying above him. He waited patiently for the squirrel to come back with a rope. Finally, the squirrel brought back a rope and Little Bear tied it around his waist. With the help of the rope, Little Bear was able to climb out of the hole and back onto solid ground.

Little Bear was so grateful to the squirrel that he gave him a piece of his favorite fruit - a juicy red apple. The squirrel thanked him and said, "You're welcome, Little Bear. I hope you have a great day!"

這個故事描述了Little Bear在森林裡探險時,不小心掉進一個深坑裡,然後得到了小松鼠的幫助,最後感激小松鼠的故事。這個故事可以幫助孩子們理解合作和感激的重要性。
