




故事的英文版可以這樣描述:At the Children's Cultural Hall, Xiaoming had a fun day. He ran into the hall with excitement, and saw various exhibitions and activities. He first visited the art gallery and saw many beautiful paintings and handicrafts. Then, he attended a children's music concert and followed the rhythm, nodding his head with joy.

During his visit, Xiaoming also met many other children, who played, learned, and explored together. They participated in a historical culture exhibition, learning about the historical and cultural backgrounds of different countries and regions. Xiaoming also played in a role-playing game, where he and his friends took on different roles and experienced different life situations.

Finally, Xiaoming and his friends had a delicious lunch in the cultural hall's restaurant. They shared their food and stories, and had a really enjoyable afternoon. As the sun began to set, Xiaoming reluctantly left the cultural hall.
