

The Prodigal Son(《浪子回頭》)

Once upon a time there was a wealthy father who had two sons. The elder son was ungrateful and disrespectful, while the younger son regretted his situation and longed for a better life. After hearing this, the father decided to send the younger son away to find his own way in the world.

The son traveled far and wide, but he found himself lost and alone. He began to feel hopeless and decided to turn back home. But before he could make it back, he came across a flock of sheep and a shepherd boy.

The boy was kind and friendly, and he taught the young man how to care for the sheep. After a few days, the son realized that he had found his purpose in life and began to love the simple life of shepherding.

However, his former life had left him with a deep longing for his family and friends back home. He decided to return home, but he came back empty-handed. Upon his arrival, the father was overjoyed to see his son again and immediately forgave him for his disobedience.

He showered him with gifts and kindness, and the family celebrated their reunion with a feast. The father』s forgiveness and love taught the younger son a valuable lesson about repentance and reconciliation.

