1. 英文版龜兔賽跑故事:
A Rabbit and a Turtle are best friends. One day, they challenge each other to a race. The rabbit is very confident because he thinks he will win easily. However, the turtle is determined to prove himself and is not going to let anything stop him. After a while, the rabbit sees the turtle is far behind and decides to take a short-cut, but he falls asleep. When he wakes up, he finds out that the turtle has won the race.
2. 英文版狐狸和烏鴉的故事:
A Crow sees a piece of tasty looking meat hanging from a tree branch. She tries to grab it, but fails. A Fox sees this and tries to help her. After a while, the Crow trusts the Fox and sings for him. She sings beautifully and then drops the meat into the fox's mouth. The fox then says, "I'll take you to see my house, but you have to come alone." When the Crow agrees, he flies away and leaves her alone on the branch. She realizes she was fooled and is sad.