

1. 「祝你在新的旅程中一切順利,取得輝煌的成就!」

"Wishing you all the success in the new journey and great achievements!"

2. 「願你的努力和汗水化作成功的翅膀,飛向更高更遠的天空!」

"May your hard work and汗水 turn into wings of success, flying higher and further!"

3. 「祝你在新的環境中展現自己的才華,展現出真正的自我!」

"Wishing you to showcase your talents and truly yourself in the new environment!"

4. 「一路順風,前程似錦!」

"Wish you a smooth journey and a bright future!"

5. 「願你的未來充滿無限可能,祝你學業有成,前程無限!」

"May your future be filled with infinite possibilities, wishing you academic success and unlimited future!"

6. 「祝你在新的學習旅程中步步高升,勇攀學術高峰!」

"Wishing you progress in your new academic journey and scaling the academic peaks!"

