切·格瓦拉(Che Guevara)是一位著名的古巴革命家和政治家,他的名言很多,以下是其中一些名言的英文版本:
1. "The revolutionary war is not a sectarian matter. It is a war for the liberation of the oppressed against the exploiting classes, for the emancipation of the working class and the poor peasantry, for the establishment of a socialist society."
2. "The poor are not criminals. The poor are the victims of a system that deprives them of their rights and leaves them without hope."
3. "The revolutionary movement is not a sect or a cult, but a political movement aimed at changing the existing social order."
4. "The only way to win is to fight, to struggle, to never give up."
5. "The revolution is not a game for children. It is a serious matter that requires sacrifice and dedication."
6. "The world is not divided into those who have and those who have not. The world is divided into those who create and those who are created."
7. "The struggle for liberation is not a private matter between individuals, but a collective struggle for the emancipation of the working class and the poor peasantry."