1. 不要放棄,要堅持到底。 Don't give up, keep going till the end.
2. 只要功夫深,鐵杵磨成針。 As long as you put in the effort, a piece of iron will become a needle.
3. 成功不是得到多少,而是付出了多少。 Success is not about how much you get, but about how much you give.
4. 只有經歷過地獄般的折磨,才有征服天堂的力量。 Only through experiencing hell can you have the strength to conquer heaven.
5. 失敗並不可怕,放棄才是真正的失敗。 Losing is not terrible, giving up is the real failure.
6. 成功者不是比你聰明,只是在最短的時間採取最大量的行動。 Successful people are not smarter than you, they just take maximum actions in the shortest time.
7. 無論何時開始,重要的是開始之後就不要停止。 Whenever it starts is important, what's even more important is not to stop after starting.
8. 當你克服了幾個困難,再大的困難也不會覺得困難了。 Once you overcome several difficulties, even the biggest difficulties won't seem so big to you anymore.