

1. Adversity is the midwife of genius.(逆境是天才的催產劑。)

2. All things are difficult before they are easy.(萬事開頭難。)

3. Believe in yourself and what you are capable of.(相信自己,你所能做到的。)

4. Challenge is what makes life interesting and meaningful.(挑戰讓生活有趣,有意義。)

5. Constantine's motto was 'I might fail but I will keep trying' - a great inspiration for those who admired him.(君士坦丁的座右銘是「我可能會失敗,但我會繼續嘗試」,對那些敬仰他的人來說,這是非常鼓舞人心的。)

6. Courage is the price that great things are always worth having.(勇氣是偉大的事情總是值得擁有的成本。)

7. Dream as big as you can, aim as high as you dare, and work as hard as you will.(儘可能大的夢想,儘可能高的目標,儘可能努力地工作。)

8. Failure is the road to success, if you don't mind getting up every time you fall down.(失敗是成功的必經之路,只要你不在乎每次跌倒後都爬起來。)

9. Genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains - Samuel Johnson(天才就是那些擁有無窮能力去承受痛苦的人——塞繆爾·詹森)

10. Impossible is a word I reserve for myself.(對我來說,「不可能」這個詞只屬於我自己。)

