

1. "Never give up, never surrender."(永不放棄,永不投降。)

2. "Strength trains, courage overcomes."(力量鍛鍊出來,勇氣戰勝一切。)

3. "Success is not final, failure is not fatal."(成功不是終點,失敗也不是致命的。)

4. "Perseverance pays."(堅持不懈終有回報。)

5. "Dreams are the wings, passion is the fuel."(夢想是翅膀,激情是燃料。)

6. "Never too old to pursue your dreams."(追求夢想,永遠不會太晚。)

7. "Failure is the mother of success."(失敗是成功的母親。)

8. "In life, only you can fulfill your destiny."(在生命中,只有你能實現自己的命運。)

9. "Keep going, never let it go."(堅持前行,永不止步。)

10. "Nothing is impossible to a willing heart."(有志者事竟成。)
