

1. 「Best wishes for your friendship that never fades.」(祝願你的友情永不褪色。)

2. 「Wishing you a lifetime of wonderful memories and eternal friendship.」(祝你擁有美好的回憶和永恆的友情。)

3. 「May your bond of friendship be as strong as the mountains.」(願你的友誼之鏈堅如磐石。)

4. 「Happy birthday to my friend, may your friendship last a lifetime.」(祝我的朋友生日快樂,願你的友情天長地久。)

5. 「May your friendship be a source of strength and comfort always.」(願你的友誼永遠成為你力量和安慰的源泉。)

6. 「Wishing you a world of joy and laughter, filled with the richness of friendships.」(祝你擁有一個充滿歡樂和笑聲的世界,充滿著友情的豐富內涵。)

7. 「May your friendships bloom like flowers in a garden of love.」(願你的友誼像在愛之花園中盛開的花朵。)

