

* 沒有任何力量比思想更能破壞人們心中的平和了——拿破崙。 There is no force that can destroy the peace in people's hearts more than thoughts. - Napoleon.* 拯救世界,就是拯救自己的靈魂——阿特金森。 Saving the world is saving one's own soul - Atkinson.* 戰爭是人類社會的一個必然階段,必要的代價。——叔本華 War is an inevitable stage in the development of human society, an inevitable cost. - Schopenhauer.* 生命在於運動,戰爭在於前進。——高爾基 Life lies in movement, war lies in forward progress. - Gorki.* 戰爭在你願意時開始,卻並不你樂時結束。——拿破崙 War begins when it's convenient, but it doesn't end when it's convenient. - Napoleon.* 戰爭是地獄之子,和平是天國之父。——塞內加 War is the child of hell, and peace is the father of heaven. - Seneca.
