1. Being baptized is like a refreshing spring of living water, refreshing and purifying. 受洗猶如一股活水,清新潔淨。
2. May the Lord baptize you with his grace and love.願主賜予你恩典與愛。
3. May you be sealed with the Holy Spirit.願聖靈與你同在。
4. May you be filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit.願你充滿聖靈的喜樂。
5. May you be strengthened with new strength and a new birth in Christ Jesus.願你在基督耶穌里得著新的力量和新的生命。
6. May you walk in newness of life.願你用新的生活方式行事。
7. Today I am being baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 今天我在父、子、聖靈的名義下受洗。