1. 靜以修身,親以示民。——出自《誡子書》的英文翻譯為:Calmly cultivate yourself to lead a disciplined life, and treat others with sincerity to earn their respect.
2. 博學而篤志、切問而近思。英文翻譯為:Widely learn and firm in purpose, ask earnestly and consider closely.
3. 學而不思則罔,思而不學則殆。——這句話可以翻譯為:If you only learn but do not think, you will be lost. If you only think but do not learn, you will be in danger.
4. 知之者不如好之者,好之者不如樂之者。英文翻譯為:Those who only know (about something) are not as good as those who love it, and those who love it are not as good as those who are delighted by it.