
可可·香奈兒(Coco Chanel)的經典語錄有很多,以下列舉一部分:

1. "Be elegant. Don't just be beautiful. Be the most beautiful." (優雅,不僅僅是美麗。)

2. "The most beautiful dress in the world cannot compensate for a body that doesn't fit properly." (世界上最美 的裙子不能彌補身體的不合適。)

3. "Imagination will not only lead you to create things that will never exist, but it will also allow you to enjoy the pleasure of dressing oneself as no one else has done before." (想像力不僅能引領你去創造以前從未存在的事物,還能讓你享受到獨一無二的穿著之樂。)

4. "One must believe in something. Otherwise, life is impossible." (人必須相信點什麼,否則生活就是不可能的。)

5. "The best way to predict the future is to create it." (預測未來的最好方法就是去創造未來。)

6. "I don't want to be a fashion victim. I am a creator and I want to create." (我不想成為時尚的犧牲品,我是創造者,我想創造。)

7. "If you don't like yourself, you won't look good, and if you don't look good, you won't like yourself." (如果你不喜歡自己,你就不會好看,如果你看起來不好看,你就不會喜歡你自己。)

