* 恭喜發財(Good luck and prosperity)
* 財源廣進(May your wealth multiply endlessly)
* 福如東海,壽比南山(May your fortune be as boundless as the eastern sea, and your lifespan as eternal as the southern mountains)
* 年年有餘(May you have bounty beyond your yearly allotment)
* 金玉滿堂(May you have plenty of wealth and treasures)
* 喜氣洋洋(Joyful and filled with good luck)
* 五福臨門(May the five blessings come to your door)
* 步步高升(May your career rise step by step)
* 身體健康(May you be in good health)
* 笑口常開(May you always have a smile on your face)