弔唁信(condolence letter)是一種表達哀悼和慰問的信件,通常用於在親友去世時傳遞我們的關愛和支持。以下是弔唁信的英語作文格式:
1. 信頭和信尾:在信頭的部分,需要寫上發件人的姓名和地址,以及收件人的姓名和地址。在信尾,通常會寫上祝福的話語,如「謹致最誠摯的問候」。
2. 標題:在信件的開頭,可以寫上「弔唁信」或「慰問信」作為標題,但並非必須。
3. 正文:在正文部分,首先表達對去世者的哀悼和懷念之情,然後簡要介紹去世者的生平事跡和重要貢獻,最後表達對親友們的支持和鼓勵。
Dear [收件人姓名],
I am writing to express my deepest sympathies for the passing of [去世者姓名]. I cannot imagine what you are going through, but I hope this small message can convey my heartfelt condolences.
[去世者姓名] was a remarkable person who made a significant contribution to [相關組織或領域]. His/her passion, dedication, and perseverance will forever be remembered by those who knew him/her.
We all share our sorrow during this difficult time and stand by you in solidarity. Please accept our support and encouragement as you navigate this challenging journey. May you find comfort in the memories of [去世者姓名]'s life and the love of family and friends who remain.
Wishing you a journey filled with peace and strength,