1. 達文西畫雞蛋(Leonardo da Vinci and the Egg): "Leonardo da Vinci was known for his paintings and drawings, but he started out by just painting eggs. He practiced and practiced until he got it right."
2. 牛頓的蘋果(Newton's Apple): "Isaac Newton is credited with inventing the law of gravity when he observed that an apple fell from a tree when he was sitting in his garden."
3. 凱文·米舍的瘋狂背誦(Kevin Mitnick's Mad背誦): "Kevin Mitnick is a well-known computer hacker. When he was young, he used to recite random numbers and words over and over again until he memorized them."
4. 史蒂夫·賈伯斯的故事(Steve Jobs Story): "Steve Jobs had a dream of making computers accessible to everyone. He believed that technology should be user-friendly and revolutionized the way we use computers."
5. 愛迪生的耐心(Edison's Patience): "Thomas Edison was known for his inventions and discoveries, but he also had a lot of patience. He would experiment over and over again until he got it right."