1. "知識就是力量。" 翻譯:Knowledge is power.
2. "讀萬卷書,行萬里路。" 翻譯:Read a thousand books and travel a thousand miles.
3. "靜以修身,儉以養德。" 翻譯:Calmly cultivate one's character and frugally nourish one's virtues.
4. "磨刀不誤砍柴工。" 翻譯:Practicing one's skills does not hinder productivity.
5. "海納百川,有容乃大。" 翻譯:The greatness of a man is measured by his tolerance.
6. "學無止境。" 翻譯:There is no end to learning.
7. "成功需要付出努力和汗水。" 翻譯:Success requires effort and hard work.
8. "千里之行,始於足下。" 翻譯:The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
9. "勿以善小而不為,勿以惡小而為之。" 翻譯:Do not do small things that are wrong, and do not neglect small things that are right.
10. "時間就是金錢。" 翻譯:Time is money.