1. 「生如夏花之絢爛,死如秋葉之靜美。」 (Life is like a summer flower, and death like the quiet beauty of autumn leaves.)
2. 「在人海茫茫中遇見你是命運的恩賜。」 (Meeting you in the vast sea of people is a blessing from fate.)
3. 「歲月如夢,願你不再醒來。」 (Years pass like a dream, may you never wake up.)
4. 「我行我素,不畏世俗。」 (I go my own way, unafraid of the world.)
5. 「花有重開日,人無再少年。」 (Flowers have a second chance to bloom, but people never have a do-over of their youth.)
6. 「靜坐常思己過,閒談莫論人非。」 (Sitting quietly, I often reflect on my own mistakes; in casual conversation, I refrain from gossiping about others.)
7. 「愛情如水,溫柔又熱烈。」 (Love is like water, gentle yet passionate.)
8. 「風雨人生,淡然相隨。」 (Through wind and rain, keep companionship with each other.)