

相傳月亮上的吳剛被罰永遠砍樹,樹隨砍隨合。吳剛便掄起斧頭,拚命地砍伐,一直砍千萬年過去了,那棵桂樹仍舊如初生機盎然。 有一次,吳剛又犯了事,天帝震怒,把他打入廣寒宮,令他砍伐蟾桂。月圓之時,桂樹突然開始開花結果了。這時吳剛便可開始砍伐它,並在每個夜晚回到人間,這樣他再也不用擔心犯事了。


It is said that Wu Gang was punished to cut trees forever, which would grow back with every stroke. So Wu Gang picked up his ax and started to hack at it, and he kept doing so for countless years. However, the tree was still as lively as ever. Once, Wu Gang committed another offense and was punished by the Heavenly Emperor to be sent to the cold palace to cut the cassia tree. When the moon was round, the cassia tree suddenly blossomed and bore fruit. At this moment, Wu Gang could start to cut it, and every night he returned to the earth. So he no longer had to worry about committing offenses.

