

* 像享受咖啡一樣享受人生,像焙烤咖啡豆一樣度過餘生。---Enjoy life just like enjoying coffee, and spend the rest of your life just like roasting coffee beans.*

* 咖啡這東西就像人生,有苦有甜,有起有落,才叫生活。---Coffee is just like life, bittersweet, ups and downs, that's what makes life.

* 喝一口黑咖啡,就像品一杯苦丁茶,短暫的苦澀之後是悠長的甘甜。---Take a sip of black coffee, just like sipping on a bittersweet tea, a brief moment of bitterness followed by a lingering sweetness.

* 咖啡就像香醇的人生,入口苦,回味香。---Coffee is like the wonderful life, bitter in taste, and fragrant in aftertaste.

* 我只喜歡兩種咖啡,咖啡遇上糖,就變成我喜歡的甜甜的拿鐵,另一種是加了奶精的,會變成摩卡冰沙。---I only like two types of coffee, the sweet latte with sugar and the mocha ice cream. It turns sour into something I love.

* 喝咖啡可以緩解情緒但我不會讓它影響我正常的生活。---Drinking coffee can relieve emotions, but I won't let it affect my normal life.

* 人生就像一杯咖啡,有些人只會加糖,而懂得的人會加奶,最後再加鹽調整味道。---Life is like a cup of coffee. Some people only add sugar, while those who understand add cream, and finally add salt to adjust the taste.

* 喝咖啡的好處在於可以享受獨處的寧靜時光。---The benefit of drinking coffee is to enjoy the quiet time alone.

* 人生就像一杯咖啡,有時候加糖,有時候加奶,加什麼取決於你的心情。---Life is like a cup of coffee. Sometimes it's sweet, sometimes it's creamy, and what's added depends on your mood.

* 咖啡的香醇和人生的苦澀都是一種經歷。---The aroma of coffee and the bitterness of life are both experiences.

* 咖啡的苦與甜不在於怎麼攪拌,而在於是否放糖;人生的幸福不在於怎麼經營,而在於是否懂得珍惜。---The bitterness and sweetness of coffee are not determined by how to stir it, but whether or not to add sugar; the happiness of life is not determined by how to manage it, but whether or not to cherish it.
