1. "The Boy Who Lived" - 救世主哈利·波特常常被人們這樣稱呼。
2. "The power of three" - 這是哈利、赫敏和羅恩三個朋友一起對抗黑暗勢力的口號。
3. "Expecto Patronus!" - 這是哈利用來召喚守護神的咒語。
4. "Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry" - 霍格沃茨魔法學校的招牌標語。
5. "A person's true age is when they finally understand something. The young never truly understand the extent of their own power until it's too late and they've missed the chance to wield it." - 這是對年齡和成長的理解的經典名言。
6. "We must let go of what we fear." - 這是哈利在電影中經常引用的一句話,表達了面對恐懼的重要性。
7. "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain." - 這是哈利和他的朋友們在電影中學會勇敢面對困難,享受生活的名言。