

1. 「Philosophy is the love of wisdom.」 - Pythagoras

2. 「The unexamined life is not worth living.」 - Socrates

3. 「Man is the measure of all things.」 - Heraclitus

4. 「To know yourself is to know God.」 - Epictetus

5. 「There is no such thing as objective truth; we create our own.」 - Michel Foucault

6. 「Wisdom is the chief end of man.」 - John Locke

7. 「Knowledge is power.」 - Epictetus

8. 「We shape our tools and then our tools shape us.」 - Ivan Illich

9. 「All things are easy that are done willingly.」 - Lao Tzu

10. 「Happiness is the pursuit of virtue.」 - Aristotle

