


Once upon a time, there was a clever bird named Woodpecker. He loved to eat apples and he always searched for the ripest ones in the orchard. One day, Woodpecker was exploring the forest when he came across an old apple tree. The apples on it were turning brown and rotten, which made Woodpecker sad.

However, he decided to save them by pecking open the skin and removing the bad parts. He worked hard all day, until he found a perfect apple. It was sweet and juicy, and he knew it would make a delicious meal for him.

As he was enjoying his apple, he noticed a small seedling growing nearby. It seemed to be a new tree, with bright green leaves and small pink flowers. He wondered if it could grow into a beautiful apple tree, but he didn't have the courage to plant it.

However, he decided to help it grow by providing water and food. Over time, the seedling grew into a beautiful apple tree with plenty of apples on it. Woodpecker watched over it every day and shared his food with the other birds and animals in the forest.

And so, Woodpecker helped the seedling grow into a beautiful apple tree, and his kindness was rewarded with a bountiful supply of apples for everyone in the forest.

