

* 喜帖一對,佳偶天成:Save the date! Wedding Invitation: "The Bride and Groom are joining hands. It will be a joyful occasion for all to join us in celebration."

* 攜手百年,共度一生: "Through thick and thin together, they will walk hand in hand through life."

* 喜糖裝點,甜你心間: "Sweet candies fill the air, delighting your heart with joyful news."

* 琴瑟和諧,共譜戀曲: "The melodious sound of music fills the air, harmonizing their love story."

* 花好月圓,喜結連理: "The beautiful flowers and round moon celebrate their happy union."

* 婚禮邀請,恭候光臨: "We are delighted to invite you to join us for our wedding celebration."

* 攜手共度,未來可期: "Hand in hand, they look forward to a future filled with love and happiness."

