

1. 審題:首先明確作文的主題和要求,確保理解題目。

2. 搭建框架:構思作文的結構,包括主要觀點和論據。可以使用圖畫提供的信息作為引導。

3. 開始寫作

a. 主句:首先,用主句開篇,簡要描述圖畫內容。例如:「The picture above shows...」

b. 從句:使用從句來解釋或詳細描述圖畫中的信息。例如:「As can be seen from the picture, ...」

c. 段落:根據需要添加段落,分別闡述圖畫所表達的主題的各個方面。

d. 連線詞:使用適當的連線詞來連線各個部分,使作文看起來更連貫。常用的連線詞有「also」、「furthermore」、「in addition」等。

4. 修改和潤色:完成初稿後,仔細檢查作文,確保語法、拼寫和結構正確。根據需要,可以修改和潤色句子,使其更符合英文表達習慣。

5. 書寫清晰:注意書寫清晰,保持格式整潔,這有助於提高作文的整體印象分。




(主句)The picture above shows a young man sitting on a park bench, holding a cup in his hand.

(從句)As can be seen from the picture, the man appears to be thirsty and is holding a cup of coffee in his hand.

(段落1)The young man is probably sitting alone in the park, reflecting on his life or thinking about his future.

(段落2)The cup of coffee in his hand represents the opportunity to enjoy a moment of relaxation and tranquility, but he may be too focused on his thoughts to realize it.

(連線詞)In addition, the picture also suggests that he may be missing out on other important aspects of life because of his preoccupation.

