

* 感恩是出於內心的感激,也是一種美好的力量。 Thank you is a heartfelt gratitude, and it is also a beautiful force.

* 讓我們懷著感恩的心情,珍惜擁有的一切。 Let us cherish what we have with grateful hearts.

* 感謝你的賜予,也感謝你的恩賜。 Thank you for your abundance, and thank you for your blessings.

* 我借著恩典, 因信稱謝你, 不求見你的面。 I praise you in faith, not seeking your face to see you.

* 感謝你,因為你的慈愛如此廣大;我們必因你的名歡呼。 Thank you, for your love is so great; we will praise you with songs of joy because of your name.

* 感謝你,因為你的慈愛無法量測;我們必因你而歡呼。 Thank you, for your mercy is beyond measure; we will praise you for it.

* 我雖如草,也願向主道謝,因他救我脫離了黑暗的權勢。 Even as a grass, I will give thanks to the Lord, for He has rescued me from the power of the wicked.

* 感謝你賜我一顆感恩的心,使我成為天使。 Thank you for giving me a heart of gratitude and making me an angel of goodness.

