* 願恩澤、平安、和平和愛永遠與你同在。 May grace, peace, and love forever be with you.* 願神賜福你,讓你永遠安息。 May God bless you and grant you eternal peace.* 祝你生活充滿喜樂,萬事如意。 Wishing you a life filled with joy and happiness.* 願你的每一天都充滿陽光和快樂。 May your every day be filled with sunshine and joy.* 祝你人生道路順暢,萬事勝意。 Wishing you a fulfilling and happy life filled with smooth sailing and all the best things.* 願你生活在神的祝福中,充滿愛和歡樂。 May you live in the blessings of God filled with love and joy.* 祝你一生充滿神的恩典,幸福美滿。 Wishing you a lifetime of abundance and happiness through the grace of God.