* Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and a New Year full of joy! 祝你聖誕快樂,並祝新的一年充滿快樂!* Wishing you a Christmas of happy times and a New Year filled with joy! 願聖誕帶給你快樂,願新年帶給你幸福。* Wishing you a magical Christmas filled with love and joy! 願你的聖誕節充滿愛和歡樂!* Wishing you peace, joy and happiness through Christmas and the New Year! 願聖誕和新年的和平、歡樂和幸福陪伴著你。* Wishing you the joy of Christmas and a year of happiness! 祝你聖誕節快樂,並願你一年到頭幸福!* Merry Christmas, my dearest friend!我的朋友,祝你聖誕快樂!* Wishing you a beautiful Christmas filled with peace, love and happiness! 祝你有一個充滿和平、愛和幸福的美麗聖誕節!