1. Merry Christmas to a world full of joy! 聖誕快樂,願世界充滿歡樂。
2. Wishing you a magical Christmas filled with love and joy. 願你有一個充滿愛和歡樂的神奇聖誕節。
3. May the spirit of Christmas fill your heart with peace and love. 願聖誕精神的氣息填滿你的心,帶給你平安與愛。
4. A Christmas greeting to you from the millions of hearts that love you. 祝福你,愛你的人們的千萬顆心。
5. Wishing you all the happiness of Christmas and throughout the year. 祝你在聖誕節和其他季節里幸福快樂。
6. May the joy of Christmas fill your heart with peace and happiness. 願聖誕的歡樂使你的心充滿平安和幸福。
7. A Christmas greeting for you from all of your friends. 獻上我們全體朋友給你的一份聖誕祝福。
8. Wishing you a sparkling Christmas and bright happy New Year! 願你的聖誕光彩奪目,新年快樂無限!