

1. 知識就是力量。

Knowledge is power.

2. 讀書在於造成完全的人格。

Reading is to develop a complete personality.

3. 習慣是人生的主宰。

Habit is the master of life.

4. 幸運並非沒有許多的恐懼與擔心,厄運也絕非沒有許多的沮喪與悲傷。

Luck is not without many fears and worries, and misfortune is not without many discouragements and sorrows.

5. 一次深思熟慮,勝過百次草率行動。

One thoughtful plan is better than a hundred hasty actions.

6. 一切真正偉大的人物(無論是古人、今人,只要是其英名永銘於人類記憶中的),沒有一個因愛情而發狂的人。因為偉大的事業抑制了這種軟弱的感情。

No truly great person (whether ancient or modern) who will forever be remembered, has been one who was madly in love. For great undertakings suppress this weak feeling.

7. 合理安排時間,就等於節約時間。

Rational allocation of time is equivalent to saving time.

