1. Adversity leads to strong bones.(逆境出壯骨。)
2. Courage is strength in adversity.(困難時的堅強就是勇氣。)
3. Strength grows in adversity.(患難可以磨練人的意志。)
4. When you are knocked down, stand up stronger.(被打倒後,站起來要更強。)
5. Strong people bounce back from setbacks.(堅強的人會在挫折中反彈。)
6. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks.(恢復力是在挫折中反彈的能力。)
7. Adversity tests the character; good fortune reveals the true nature of a person.(逆境考驗人的品格,順境展現一個人的真實本性。)