* 堅強是成功的拐杖。 Strength is the crutch of success.
* 無論遇到多大的困難,我們都要堅強地面對。 No matter how big the difficulties are, we have to face them with strength.
* 即使在困境中也要堅強。 One must be strong even in adversity.
* 堅強是你成功的基石。 Strength is the bedrock of your success.
* 無論發生什麼,我們都必須堅強,因為我們必須繼續前進。 We must be strong no matter what happens, because we have to keep moving forward.
* 即使在痛苦中也要保持堅強。 One must be strong even in pain.
* 堅強的意志是成功的關鍵。 A strong will is the key to success.
* 無論面對多大的困難,我們都必須堅強不屈。 We must be resilient and strong no matter how big the difficulties we face.