

1. 「Can you explain the multimedia interactive concept to me in simple terms?」(你能簡單解釋一下多媒體互動的概念嗎?)

2. 「What are the key benefits of our product compared to the competition?」(我們的產品相比競爭對手有什麼關鍵優勢?)

3. 「Our team is very proficient in multimedia development. Can you explain the technology we are using?」(我們的團隊在多媒體開發方面非常熟練。你能解釋一下我們使用的技術嗎?)

4. 「What is the estimated time of implementation for our project?」(對我們項目的實施估計需要多長時間?)

5. 「We have some concerns about the quality of the multimedia content you are providing. Can you address those?」(我們對你們提供的多媒體內容的質量有些擔心。你能對此做出回應嗎?)

6. 「I am interested in your product, but I am not sure if it is suitable for our market. Can you provide some more information about its target audience?」(我對你們的產品很感興趣,但不確定它是否適合我們的市場。你能提供一些關於其目標客群的更多信息嗎?)

7. 「I have some questions about the payment terms you have mentioned. Can you clarify them for me?」(對於你提到的付款條款,我有些疑問,你能為我澄清一下嗎?)

8. 「I would like to see some examples of your previous work in multimedia development to get a better understanding of your capabilities.」(我想看看你們在多媒體開發方面以往工作的例子,以便更好地了解你們的能力。)

