

1. 「祝賀你順利畢業,未來的道路無限光明。」 Congratulations on your successful graduation, the future holds endless possibilities.

2. 「願你的未來如星河璀璨,前程似錦。」 May your future be as bright as the stars and the universe, filled with success and fulfillment.

3. 「畢業快樂,願你前程似錦,一切順利。」 Happy graduation, may all your future endeavors be filled with success and fulfillment.

4. 「恭喜你開啟新的人生篇章,願你前程無量。」 Congratulations on embarking on a new chapter in your life, may all your future endeavors be filled with limitless opportunities.

5. 「畢業快樂,願你勇往直前,無所畏懼。」 Happy graduation, may you always face challenges with courage and confidence.

