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3. 內容充實:論據充分,需要用具體例子或例子進行論述,讓讀者信服。

4. 語言規範:語法正確,表達清晰,符合英文習慣。

5. 避免低級錯誤:注意拼寫、標點、大小寫等細節,這些錯誤會影響分數。

6. 適當使用高級辭彙和短語:這不僅可以使文章更加生動,也可以提高詞數要求。

7. 邏輯嚴謹:段與段之間關聯性要強,整篇文章結構合理,通順流暢。

8. 分段合理:每段應該包含你正在討論一個觀點或提供支持某個觀點的證據。

9. 注意字數:雖然考試通常會有一個字數要求,但最好超出一部分,以確保你有足夠的材料來支持你的觀點。


標題:Success and Hard Work

Success is often attributed to those who believe in their abilities and work hard to achieve their goals. A popular saying goes, 「Nothing is impossible, if you try hard enough.」 This is because success is not just about achieving a goal, but also about the effort and dedication put into achieving it.

Let us consider an example of Michael Jordan. He was not born with natural athletic abilities that allowed him to excel in basketball. Instead, he worked hard in practice, honing his skills and constantly improving. His hard work paid off when he became one of the greatest basketball players of all time. Similarly, many successful entrepreneurs, such as Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, also demonstrate a relentless work ethic that drives them to achieve their goals.

In conclusion, success is not just about luck or genetics, but about the efforts and dedication that go into achieving our goals. It is said that 「practice makes perfect」, and this is true not only for skills but also for our aspirations and goals. Therefore, we should always strive to work hard and believe in our abilities, as this is the path to success.

